Sunday 3rd December

Everything has been quiet since Tuesday the day our poor fellows got slaughtered.

As I mentioned in another part of this letter that the Military had taken over our stocks of produce, the store is completely empty & for nearly the last 2 months we have been doing next to nothing & William seems to think that after communication is opened with the Colony that business will not improve & so he has decided to close at the end of the year.   I shall have to look out for another billet, however I have no doubt I shall soon get one.   If I don't get anything to start the New Year I think I shall go down to Cape Town for a week or two & try what I can do there.  I must say that William's idea about business not improving does not agree with the majority of business people here, in fact to tell you the truth he begins to shout before he feels it & I think his giving up now is one of the mistakes he is making as he has made before, in giving up too soon.

Tomorrow Dec 4th is really the Xmas mail day but of course that is postponed for an indefinite time.  I hope your got that second note I sent a few weeks ago.  I know it was a risk to send but had the opportunity knowing you would be anxious.

29th November 1899

9th December 1899